What Color Goes With Terracotta Tiles?
A lot of homes still have terracotta tiles in them. Even though these tiles have become somewhat dated, they were once so popular that there are very few homes that don’t have terracotta tiles somewhere in them.
While terracotta tiles are a little dated, this doesn’t mean that you should rip them up immediately.
In fact, when paired with the right colors, terracotta tiles can look incredibly slick and stylish.
But, finding the right colors to pair with your terracotta tiles isn’t always the easiest task.
When you combine terracotta tiles with a color, you need to make sure that the color complements the tiles, and doesn’t clash. This is why finding a suitable color is often so difficult.
In this guide, we’ll be taking a look at what colors work well with terracotta tiles. So if you want to find out more, keep on reading!
What Are Terracotta Tiles?
First things first, let’s take a look at what terracotta tiles are. Well, terracotta tiles are one of the oldest styles of clay tiles in the world.
These tiles originate in Italy but have since become popular all over the world.
While they have fallen out of popularity in recent years, a lot of homes still have terracotta tiles because of how popular they were in the past.
Terracotta tiles are made of clay, and they have a red appearance. It is primarily this red color that has made so many people go off of terracotta tiles in recent years.
Unless you like a neutral home, it can be very tricky to identify what colors will complement the red of the terracotta tiles. This alone is enough to make people dislike them.
But in reality, there are actually a few different colors that work well with terracotta tiles.
So, if you are looking for a color to go with your terracotta tiles, dive right in and take a look at what works.
What Color Goes With Terracotta Tiles?
If you have terracotta tiles in your home, then you might be a bit stuck on what color to paint the room.
You might also be struggling to decide what color furniture to add to the room. With that in mind, let’s take a look at what colors go with terracotta tiles.
Let’s start with a good old neutral color: white. White is a great color to add to your home because it goes with so many different colors, and the red of terracotta tiles is one of them.
White is a great choice if you really want to showcase the red of your terracotta tiles because the white will not distract from the red.
Instead, the white will provide a nice, clean feel, allowing the rich red of the terracotta tiles to be the focal point of the room.
If you are a little nervous of mixing colors with the red of your terracotta tiles, then a neutral shade like white is perfect.
But if white is a little clinical for you, don’t worry because there are lots of other neutral colors where that comes from.
Cream is a lovely warm color to add to your home.
While white can come across as clean and clinical, cream is warm and cozy, making it perfect for any rooms in your home that you want to relax in.
Just like white, cream will compliment the red of your terracotta tiles, allowing them to be the star of the show, while the cream is just a supporting actor.
No matter whether it is cream paint or cream furniture you want to add near your terracotta tiles, it will be a success.
Alternatively, you could consider a shade of beige. Beige is becoming increasingly popular with every day that passes because it adds a little color to your home, while also being completely neutral.
The great thing about beige is that it also comes in a wide range of shades, allowing you to find one that you love.
A number of beige shades tend to have red undertones which allows the color to complement the red of the terracotta tiles incredibly well.
It is an excellent option if you want to be a little bolder, but aren’t feeling confident enough to add another color to the room.
In contrast, if you are ready to jump right in, then you should consider pink.
Even though terracotta tiles are red, they go surprisingly well with the color pink. Especially if you choose a lighter shade of pink.
Red and pink are incredibly similar to one another, and this means that they are complementary colors for one another.
So, if you want to stick to a color theme, then pink is the perfect color to pair with your terracotta tiles.
But, if you really want to be bold, you should choose a shade of red. While this color combination can seem a little daunting, and a little too red, it actually works incredibly well in practice.
Just as different shades of gray compliment each other, so do different shades of red.
So, as long as you choose a shade of red that is lighter or darker than the red in your terracotta tiles, this color combination is guaranteed to be a hit.
Finally, we would recommend green. Green is the perfect color to add to your home if you like earthy colors, and this is part of the reason why it works so well with terracotta tiles.
Red and green are also opposite one another on the color wheel.
If you want a relaxing feel to your home, then green is the perfect color to pair with terracotta tiles.
Especially if you choose a nice pale shade of green. The red in the tiles will bounce off of the green on your walls, making your house really feel like home.
In short, there are lots of different colors that work well with terracotta tiles. If you prefer a neutral color, you should consider cream, white or beige.
In contrast, if you like to be bold, you should consider pink, red, or green.
Thank you for reading!